A Member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Building a stronger community through Roseville's Neighborhood Associations

The Solaire Neighborhood Association is part of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA).  RCONA was originally created by the City and Police Department to support their community policing model back in the 80's and 90's.  The program then transitioned from City oversight and morphed into its current day form, ran by residents who serve as volunteers.  The city is divided up into approximately 40+  neighborhoods or "NAs" and these areas are pre-determined and named by the city, even long before a neighborhood is built.

The association is comprised of a 100% volunteer group of neighbors who work together to create a safe, welcoming and family-friendly environment. We do this by hosting community events and activities.  Additionally, we serve to educate and share relevant information that affects the overall well-being of our neighborhood.  Our organization is not an HOA and there are no dues to be paid.  Every resident and business within our Solaire Neighborhood Association boundary is by default a member of the association (detailed in our bylaws).  

To learn more, please go to our FAQ section.

Neighborhood Board Meeting

First Tuesdays




RCONA Board Meeting 

Every 3rd Thursday

Click here for meeting info 

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