Solaire Park

4601 Solaire Dr


The current masterplan is depicted in the graphic to the right. Solaire Park is considered a school/park site.  

Park Features:

The basketball court and play ground amenities of the school are available for use by the community during the after-hours, weekdays and weekends and whenever there are no classes in session.  This is a conditional use/access based on how the community treats the grounds.  The school district reserves the right to prevent access as they deem fit.  

Per the City of Roseville, once additional funding from developments in the area are obtained, the 2nd phase of this park will be built out.  The current nature trail is said to eventually be a baseball field, which includes a parking lot and restrooms.

Park Features:

Concerns from the Neighborhood

Can we get a swing-set and shade for the play structure?

The short answer is yes, it is possible.  However, it will require further planning.  Per the City, costs to add a swing-set, which includes  excavation and infrastructure, will cost roughly $30k.  The City is open to adding a swing-set, with the help of the neighborhood by fundraising.

The shade structure will require further inspection to determine if it is even possible to install the necessary implements needed to install a shad structure over the current play structure. This is TBD.

Are dogs allowed at this park?

Per the City of Roseville, dogs are technically not allowed to be at any neighborhood park. Dogs are allowed at the designated dog parks throughout the city.  However, understanding that neighbors have pets and will typically take their dogs on a walk, the City kindly asks dog owners to curb their pets, pick up after their pets after defecating, and to not allow any pets to run-at-large on the park grounds or turf areas.  All dogs shall adhere to the City's regulations relating to the care and control of pets while out in public and in public spaces.